Sunday, November 14, 2010

Vintage sheet goodness!!!!! I am officially addicted to collecting these treasures.
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Slim Pickins'

I worked in the garden last weekend in preparation for a party and I picked the last of the tomatoes that remained. This was it. Not too many as you can see.

I harvested all the tomatillos since the plant had died off completely. My daughter picked a bunch of green onions and I picked a couple of serrano chilis.....Salsa was just around the corner.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Gone Thrifting!

I have been really into thrifting lately. I have been on the lookout for vinatge pyrex and vintage linens. On Thursday I went to a thrift store that I had found by accident and oh boy did I score. I ended up with all the sheets above and several other pillowcases not shown. One of the sheets was Vera Neumann.