Tuesday, July 31, 2012

'Calico Queen' and 'Wind Song'

Today was the day that my Calico Queen decided to make her debut.  I originally had doubts about this one but she is a beauty.  It is hard to tell from the picture but the innermost petals all has a cerise edging to them.

'Calico Queen'

Today I took a trip to visit an epi grower friend because I had to return a plant that bloomed incorrectly and came home with more plants, cuttings, and starters.  Where am I going to fit all of the plants I have purchased over the last 2 months?  I need to sell some more cuttings on eBay to support my epi growing habit!!

She had one of the plants waiting for me, upon my arrival, as it had just recently bloomed.  She knew I would want it :)  It was labeled 'Wind Song' but had a virused / variegated bloom.  Wow.  I love the variegated - highly veined flowers.  The bloom was mostly spent so this is the best picture that I could get.

'Wind Song'

Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Last 5 Days

My family and I have been on vacation along the Central Coast of California for the last 5 days.  We left early Wednesday morning but just before we left I was able to capture 'Movie Star' on camera.  This is the 5th (I think) and last bloom from her for the season.  My 'Vanilla Sunset' and

'Movie Star'

Here are a couple of pictures that we took from the coast.  Enjoy!

'China Cove'
This was in Point Lobos State Reserve in Carmel, CA.  I had read a lot about this place online and an so glad that we were able to make it here.  This cove had a LONG set of stairs so we were able to make it down to the white sand and crystal clear water.  It was cold but that did not stop my kiddos from rolling up their pants and splashing around.  I did not know that you could access the water otherwise we might have come more prepared.  This is a MUST SEE place!!  

'Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park' 
This awesome viewpoint was in Big Sur.  You exit onto the East side of the Hwy 1 into the park and park in one of the 2 parking lots.  Then you walk a short way through a tunnel under the 1 to get to this spot.  There were several other trails originating from the parking lots that headed along the lively creek that was feeding this waterfall.  We did not have time to explore them :( 

'Bixby Bridge'
Beautiful coastline!  You can see the wild yellow mustard in the foreground and the bridge in the background.  We had already crossed it and were heading South.  There were many places to pull to the side of the highway but from experience it was easier to access the pullouts while heading South.  This way you did not have to cross lanes getting in and out.

Upon our return I was very anxious to get out to the shade house to see if there were any surprises for me.  And yes there were....in full bloom was Grace Ann and Mr. P (bloom #2).  The first bloom was already expired but bloom#2 was awesome.  The 2nd bloom from 'Unbeatable' was also expired.  I had really been waiting for that one but what can you do.  'Sakurahime', 'Slightly Sassy', and 'Vanilla Sunset' should be blooming in the next couple of days.

'Mr. P'
The photo shows more orange but it was a bit more on the reddish side.

'Grace Ann'
The first word that comes to mind in describing this bloom is graceful.  It is very well formed and has beautiful coloring.  Stunning!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

'Marilyn Monroe' and 'White Splendor'

Happy Sunday!  Here is what is in bloom for me today :0)

'Marilyn Monroe'
I sat for several minutes in front of this flower just admiring her beauty.
She even had a slight fragrance to her - a kind of perfume scent that was ever so subtle.  
Bought this just about 3 weeks ago.  It is a big, mature, blooming size plant.
It came home with a single bud on it and I had been checking out the bud
everyday since.  

'White Splendor'
I have had this since it was a wee little plant.  Once big enough, 
it has given me a single bloom for the last 3 years.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

'Movie Star' and 'Hawaiian Monarch'

I have been awaiting the arrival of these two for awhile now.  Today was the day!

'Hawaiian Monarch'
This one started off as I cutting that I acquired, I already forgot from where,
in 2004.  It had never bloomed before today -- most likely because of neglect.  
However, I have been repotting, fertilizing, and giving my plants the care 
that they need and this is how they reward me :)  This is medium size bloom.  
I love how the throat appears to have green and yellow in it.  'Over the Top' was my
new favorite since it bloomed but now this is it!

'Movie Star'
This is bloom #3 for this plant.  It still has 2 more to go.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Even though we are almost 2 weeks into July I still have many buds on multiple epis.  I cannot remember having so many buds so late into the season like this before....but I am not complaining :o)  I took my camera out with me into the yard this morning and below are pictures of some of what I found.  I did not get pictures of baby 'Primary Ingnition' and his 5 siblings and baby "Slightly Sassy'.

baby 'Marilyn Monroe'

baby 'Meadowlark'
However,  I believe this one to have been labeled incorrectly
as it looks very much to be red/magenta.

baby 'Sakurahime'

baby 'Hawaiian Monarch'

baby 'Movie Star'
This plant has 4 other buds!

baby 'Calico Queen'

baby 'Frida Kahlo'

baby 'Mr. P or Kimono'
The pot is labeled Kimono but the last bloom was Mr. P.  
There might be both in here...not quite sure :)

baby 'Norma Cantafio'
There are at least 8 buds on this plant.

baby 'unknown' red

baby 'Unbeatable'

baby 'Vanilla Sunset'
There are 3 other buds besides this one.

baby 'White Splendor'

Monday, July 9, 2012

Blooms from 2012

The following are pictures of my epiphyllum blooms that made their debut in the 2012 blooming season.  I still have about 10 plants with buds on them.  I look forward to posting more pictures in the weeks to come.


'Color Wheel'


'Easter Bunny'

'Front Runner'

'Movie Star'

'Over the Top'

'Pink Cloud'

'Royal Heir' variegated

'Sonoma Sunshine'


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Mini Epiphyllum Shade House

This past Sunday, my wonderful hubby built me a mini shade house for my epiphyllums. We've had this empty space behind our jacuzzi that we have never used for much. Now it is my little shade house...yay!!  I just bought about 60+ epiphyllum plants and cuttings from a local lady who is selling off part of her collection.  I have been collecting on a small scale since 2001 but now with the acquisition of these plants I am now big time :) I got some pretty awesome hybrids.  I will post pictures of my blooms from this past season soon.  The gazebo over the non-function jacuzzi and my shade house are both FULL --- bursting at the seams with epis.  Wouldn't have it any other way :)
